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This function is deprecated. Please use derive_vars_merged() and specify the filter_add argument to derive the respective variables.

Derive a disposition reason from the the relevant records in the disposition domain.


  new_var_spe = NULL,
  reason_var_spe = NULL,
  format_new_vars = format_reason_default,
  subject_keys = get_admiral_option("subject_keys")



Input dataset


Dataset containing the disposition information (e.g. ds)

The dataset must contain:


  • The variable(s) specified in the reason_var (and reason_var_spe, if required)

  • The variables used in filter_ds.


Name of the disposition reason variable

A variable name is expected (e.g. DCSREAS).


The variable used to derive the disposition reason

A variable name is expected (e.g. DSDECOD).


Name of the disposition reason detail variable

A variable name is expected (e.g. DCSREASP). If new_var_spe is specified, it is expected that reason_var_spe is also specified, otherwise an error is issued.

Default: NULL


The variable used to derive the disposition reason detail

A variable name is expected (e.g. DSTERM). If new_var_spe is specified, it is expected that reason_var_spe is also specified, otherwise an error is issued.

Default: NULL


The function used to derive the reason(s)

This function is used to derive the disposition reason(s) and must follow the below conventions

  • If only the main reason for discontinuation needs to be derived (i.e. new_var_spe is NULL), the function must have at least one character vector argument, e.g. format_reason <- function(reason) and new_var will be derived as new_var = format_reason(reason_var). Typically, the content of the function would return reason_var or NA depending on the value (e.g. if_else ( reason != "COMPLETED" & !, reason, NA_character_)). DCSREAS = format_reason(DSDECOD) returns DCSREAS = DSDECOD when DSDECOD is not 'COMPLETED' nor NA, NA otherwise.

  • If both the main reason and the details needs to be derived (new_var_spe is specified) the function must have two character vectors argument, e.g. format_reason2 <- function(reason, reason_spe) and new_var will be derived as new_var = format_reason(reason_var), new_var_spe will be derived as new_var_spe = format_reason(reason_var, reason_var_spe). Typically, the content of the function would return reason_var_spe or NA depending on the reason_var value (e.g. if_else ( reason == "OTHER", reason_spe, NA_character_)). DCSREASP = format_reason(DSDECOD, DSTERM) returns DCSREASP = DSTERM when DSDECOD is equal to 'OTHER'.

Default: format_reason_default, see format_reason_default() for details.


Filter condition for the disposition data.

Filter used to select the relevant disposition data. It is expected that the filter restricts dataset_ds such that there is at most one observation per patient. An error is issued otherwise.

Permitted Values: logical expression.


Variables to uniquely identify a subject

A list of expressions where the expressions are symbols as returned by exprs() is expected.


the input dataset with the disposition reason(s) (new_var and if required new_var_spe) added.


This functions returns the main reason for discontinuation (e.g. DCSREAS or DCTREAS). The reason for discontinuation is derived based on reason_var (e.g. DSDECOD) and format_new_vars. If new_var_spe is not NULL, then the function will also return the details associated with the reason for discontinuation (e.g. DCSREASP). The details associated with the reason for discontinuation are derived based on reason_var_spe (e.g. DSTERM), reason_var and format_new_vars.