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Add the first available record from events for each by group as new records, all variables of the selected observation are kept. It can be used for selecting the extreme observation from a series of user-defined events. This distinguish derive_extreme_event() from derive_extreme_records(), where extreme records are derived based on certain order of existing variables.


  by_vars = NULL,
  check_type = "warning",



Input dataset

The variables specified by the order and the by_vars parameter are expected.


Grouping variables

Default: NULL

Permitted Values: list of variables created by exprs()


Conditions and new values defining events

A list of event() objects is expected. Only observations listed in the events are considered for deriving extreme event. If multiple records meet the filter condition, take the first record sorted by order.


Sort order

If a particular event from events has more than one observation, within the event and by group, the records are ordered by the specified order.

Permitted Values: list of variables or desc(<variable>) function calls created by exprs(), e.g., exprs(ADT, desc(AVAL))


Selection mode (first or last)

If a particular event from events has more than one observation, "first"/"last" is to select the first/last record of this type of events sorting by order.

Permitted Values: "first", "last"


Check uniqueness?

If "warning" or "error" is specified, the specified message is issued if the observations of the input dataset are not unique with respect to the by variables and the order.

Default: "warning"

Permitted Values: "none", "warning", "error"


Variables to be set

The specified variables are set to the specified values for the new observations.

A list of variable name-value pairs is expected.

  • LHS refers to a variable.

  • RHS refers to the values to set to the variable. This can be a string, a symbol, a numeric value or NA, e.g., exprs(PARAMCD = "TDOSE", PARCAT1 = "OVERALL"). More general expression are not allowed.


The input dataset with the best or worst observation of each by group added as new observations.


  1. Construct a dataset based on events: apply the filter condition and set_values_to to the input dataset.

  2. For each group (with respect to the variables specified for the by_vars parameter) the first or last observation (with respect to the order specified for the order parameter and the mode specified for the mode parameter) is selected.

  3. The variables specified by the set_values_to parameter are added to the selected observations.

  4. The observations are added to input dataset.



adqs <- tribble(
  ~USUBJID, ~PARAMCD,       ~AVALC,        ~ADY,
  "1",      "NO SLEEP",     "N",              1,
  "1",      "WAKE UP",      "N",              2,
  "1",      "FALL ASLEEP",  "N",              3,
  "2",      "NO SLEEP",     "N",              1,
  "2",      "WAKE UP",      "Y",              2,
  "2",      "WAKE UP",      "Y",              3,
  "2",      "FALL ASLEEP",  "N",              4,
  "3",      "NO SLEEP",     NA_character_,    1

# Add a new record for each USUBJID storing the the worst sleeping problem.
  by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
  events = list(
      condition = PARAMCD == "NO SLEEP" & AVALC == "Y",
      set_values_to = exprs(AVALC = "No sleep", AVAL = 1)
      condition = PARAMCD == "WAKE UP" & AVALC == "Y",
      set_values_to = exprs(AVALC = "Waking up more than three times", AVAL = 2)
      condition = PARAMCD == "FALL ASLEEP" & AVALC == "Y",
      set_values_to = exprs(AVALC = "More than 30 mins to fall asleep", AVAL = 3)
      condition = all(AVALC == "N"),
      set_values_to = exprs(
        AVALC = "No sleeping problems", AVAL = 4
      condition = TRUE,
      set_values_to = exprs(AVALC = "Missing", AVAL = 99)
  order = exprs(ADY),
  mode = "last",
  set_values_to = exprs(
    PARAMCD = "WSP",
    PARAM = "Worst Sleeping Problems"
#> # A tibble: 11 x 6
#>    USUBJID PARAMCD     AVALC                       ADY  AVAL PARAM              
#>    <chr>   <chr>       <chr>                     <dbl> <dbl> <chr>              
#>  1 1       NO SLEEP    N                             1    NA NA                 
#>  2 1       WAKE UP     N                             2    NA NA                 
#>  3 1       FALL ASLEEP N                             3    NA NA                 
#>  4 2       NO SLEEP    N                             1    NA NA                 
#>  5 2       WAKE UP     Y                             2    NA NA                 
#>  6 2       WAKE UP     Y                             3    NA NA                 
#>  7 2       FALL ASLEEP N                             4    NA NA                 
#>  8 3       NO SLEEP    NA                            1    NA NA                 
#>  9 1       WSP         No sleeping problems          3     4 Worst Sleeping Pro…
#> 10 2       WSP         Waking up more than thre…     3     2 Worst Sleeping Pro…
#> 11 3       WSP         Missing                       1    99 Worst Sleeping Pro…