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Metadata Holding Grading Criteria for NCI-CTCAEv4




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 40 rows and 13 columns.


This metadata has its origin in the ADLB Grading Spec Excel file which ships with {admiral} and can be accessed using system.file("adlb_grading/adlb_grading_spec.xlsx", package = "admiral") in sheet = "NCICTCAEv4". The dataset contained in there has the following columns:

  • SOC: variable to hold the SOC of the lab test criteria.

  • TERM: variable to hold the term describing the criteria applied to a particular lab test, eg. 'Anemia' or 'INR Increased'. Note: the variable is case insensitive.

  • Grade 1: Criteria defining lab value as Grade 1.

  • Grade 2: Criteria defining lab value as Grade 2.

  • Grade 3: Criteria defining lab value as Grade 3.

  • Grade 4: Criteria defining lab value as Grade 4.

  • Grade 5: Criteria defining lab value as Grade 5.

  • Definition: Holds the definition of the lab test abnormality.

  • GRADE_CRITERIA_CODE: variable to hold code that creates grade based on defined criteria.

  • SI_UNIT_CHECK: variable to hold unit of particular lab test. Used to check against input data if criteria is based on absolute values.

  • VAR_CHECK: List of variables required to implement lab grade criteria. Use to check against input data.

  • DIRECTION: variable to hold the direction of the abnormality of a particular lab test value. 'L' is for LOW values, 'H' is for HIGH values. Note: the variable is case insensitive.

  • COMMENT: Holds any information regarding rationale behind implementation of grading criteria.

Note: Variables SOC, TERM, Grade 1, Grade 2,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5, Definition are from the source document on NCI-CTC website defining the grading criteria. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE)v4.0 From these variables only 'TERM' is used in the admiral code, the rest are for information and traceability only.

See also